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KUALA LUMPUR: Malacca Securities has a fair value of 68 sen for bus and rail information technology services provider, Go Hub Capital Bhd,  almost double that of its initial public offering price of 35 sen a share.Go Hub is due to ...
NST02 Jul, 2024 16:44pm - 6 hours

This week, France and the UK will be having their general elections, which could shake the financial markets of Europe’s two largest economies.
TheEdge29 Jun, 2024 10:00am - 3 days

KUALA LUMPUR: Here is a recap of the announcements that made headlines in Corporate Malaysia.
TheStar25 Jun, 2024 08:14am - 1 week

PETALING JAYA: ACE Market-bound Go Hub Capital Bhd’s initial public offering (IPO) has been oversubscribed by 78.71 times.
TheStar25 Jun, 2024 00:00am - 1 week

(吉隆坡24日讯)交通信息技术(IT)解决方案供应商Go Hub资本(Go Hub Capital)配合首次公开售股(IPO)供公众认购的新股,获得78.71倍的超额认购率。该公司发文告指出,供大马公众认购的1亿718万股新股,共收到2万零452份申请,认购额达到15亿9410万6300股,总值5亿5794万令吉,超额认购78.71倍。公司也接获1万零835份土著申请,欲认购6亿5649万4900股,超额认购64.65倍。至于公众认购的部分,共获得9617份申请,欲申请9亿3761万140...
Sinchew24 Jun, 2024 20:38pm - 1 week

KUALA LUMPUR: Key transportation information technology solutions provider Go Hub Capital Bhd's initial public offering (IPO) has been oversubscribed 78.71 times. Go Hub's IPO comprised a public issue of 107.18 million new shares.Of the total, 75.18 million shares will be ...
NST24 Jun, 2024 20:27pm - 1 week

陈承栋。(Go Hub资本提供)(吉隆坡24日讯)交通信息技术(IT)解决方案供应商——Go Hub资本有限公司(Go Hub Capital Berhad),首次公开募股(IPO)获得超额认购78.71倍。根据周一文告,公司总计收到公众提交的2万452份申请,认购高达15亿9410万6300股,平...
Nanyang24 Jun, 2024 19:40pm - 1 week

KUALA LUMPUR (June 24): Go Hub Capital Bhd (KL:GOHUB) — an information technology (IT) services provider en route to listing on Bursa Malaysia’s ACE Market on July 3 — announced that the 20 million new shares offered to the Malaysian public have been oversubscribed by 78.71 times.
TheEdge24 Jun, 2024 19:32pm - 1 week

(吉隆坡24日讯)计划在7月3日挂牌马股创业板的Go Hub Capital有限公司(简称Go Hub),首发股活动共收到公众提交2万452份申请,欲申购15亿9410万6300股的新股,超额认购78.71倍。Go Hub是一家交通资讯科技(IT)解决方案供应商,计划通过上市筹资3751万令吉。Go Hub今日向大马交易所报备,首发股的土著认购接获1万835份申请,欲认购6亿5649万4900股,相等于超额认购64.65倍。Go Hub Capital有限公司计划通过上市筹资3751万令...
Chinapress24 Jun, 2024 18:57pm - 1 week

KUALA LUMPUR: Go Hub Capital Bhd, penyedia penyelesaian teknologi maklumat (IT) pengangkutan utama di Malaysia yang akan mula disenaraikan di Pasaran ACE Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad pada 3 Julai 2024, mengumumkan peruntukan saham syarikat itu kepada orang awam Malaysia daripada tawaran awam ...
BeritaHarian24 Jun, 2024 18:32pm - 1 week

PETALING JAYA: ACE Market-bound Go Hub Capital Bhd’s initial public offering (IPO) has been oversubscribed by 78.71 times.
TheStar24 Jun, 2024 18:16pm - 1 week

Mercury Securities Sdn Bhd has a “subcribe” recommendation on ACE Market-bound Information technology (IT) services firm Go Hub Capital Bhd at an initial public offer (IPO) price of 35 sen and fair value of 62 sen, indicating a potential upside of 77% to the IPO price.
TheEdge20 Jun, 2024 09:09am - 1 week

(吉隆坡19日讯)团结政府上任以来积极推动公共交通工程,作为交通资讯科技(IT)解决方案供应商的Go Hub Capital有限公司看好,国内公共交通行业未来3至5年料蓬勃发展,将陆续推出新项目。为了能够分一杯羹,Go Hub执行董事兼总执行长陈承栋说,公司将继续专注于公交行业,积极竞标更多政府大型公交项目,预期今年竞标项目价值4亿至5亿令吉。他接受《中国报》专访时说,《2019年至2030年国家交通政策》将推动公共交通领域对IT服务和解决方案的需求,为此利基领域的提供商提供大量...
Chinapress19 Jun, 2024 20:31pm - 1 week

KUALA LUMPUR: TA Securities Holdings Bhd has assigned a fair value of 55 sen to Go Hub Capital, which is set to list on the ACE Market on 3 July.This valuation represents a 57.1 per cent increase from its initial public offering (...
NST19 Jun, 2024 14:34pm - 1 week

TA Securities Holdings Bhd has assigned a fair value of 55 sen to Go Hub Capital, which is set to list on the ACE Market on July 3. This valuation represents a 57.1% increase from its initial public offering (IPO) price of 35 sen.
TheEdge19 Jun, 2024 13:26pm - 1 week

KUALA LUMPUR: TA Securities Holdings Bhd has assigned a fair value of 55 sen to Go Hub Capital, which is set to list on the ACE Market on 3 July.
TheStar19 Jun, 2024 12:28pm - 1 week

KUALA LUMPUR: Go Hub Capital Bhd yang bakal disenaraikan di Pasaran ACE Bursa Malaysia pada 3 Julai ini menetapkan pelan strategik dalam memperluaskan kehadiran secara ketara di negara ini.Pengarah Eksekutif dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutifnya, Tan Cherng Thong, berkata penetapan pelan ...
BeritaHarian18 Jun, 2024 15:23pm - 2 weeks

Transportation information technology (IT) solutions provider Go Hub Capital Bhd has scheduled a listing on the ACE Market of Bursa Malaysia on July 3, 2024, as part of its initial public offering (IPO) with the target to raise RM37.51mil.
TheStar13 Jun, 2024 00:00am - 2 weeks

翁梓诚(左起)、方文鸿、陈明锦、吴耀眼、祖基费里、陈承栋、李丽仪、阿薇扎、蒲瑞莹、李耀荣展示Go Hub招股书。中国报(吉隆坡12日讯)交通信息技术(IT)解决方案供应商——Go Hub资本有限公司(Go Hub Capital Berhad)计划7月3日马股创业板挂牌,放眼筹资3751万令吉。该公...
Nanyang12 Jun, 2024 20:21pm - 2 weeks

(吉隆坡12日讯)从事交通资讯科技(IT)解决方案供应商——Go Hub资本公司(Go Hub Capital Bhd)...
Orientaldaily12 Jun, 2024 19:37pm - 2 weeks