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This week, France and the UK will be having their general elections, which could shake the financial markets of Europe’s two largest economies.
TheEdge29 Jun, 2024 10:00am - 3 days

KUALA LUMPUR: Here is a recap of the announcements that made headlines in Corporate Malaysia.
TheStar25 Jun, 2024 08:14am - 1 week

KUALA LUMPUR: ACE Market-bound frozen seafood company Ocean Fresh Bhd’s initial public offering (IPO) has been oversubscribed by 76.22 times.
TheStar25 Jun, 2024 00:00am - 1 week

(吉隆坡24日讯)冷冻海鲜加工及贸易公司海洋冷冻食品公司(Ocean Fresh Berhad)即将在7月4日挂牌创业板,其首发股受到投资者抢购,超额认购76.22倍。根据文告,公开给大马公众认购的1051万股,获得超额认购76.22倍,共接获1万6177份申请,认购获8亿1155万股。土著投资者方面共获得8654份申请,欲认购3亿5040万股,相等于超购认购65.68倍。其余公众认购则接到7523份申请,欲认购4亿6115万股,超额认购率达86.75倍。海洋冷冻食品首发股获超额认购76...
Chinapress24 Jun, 2024 20:33pm - 1 week

(吉隆坡24日讯)海洋冷冻食品有限公司(Ocean Fresh Berhad)首次公开募股(IPO)获得超额认购76.22倍。该公司今天宣布,供大马公众认购的部分共收到1万6177份申请,共认购8亿1154万9800股。相等于超额认购76.22倍。其中,供土著认购的部分接获8654份申请,共认购3亿...
Sinchew24 Jun, 2024 18:23pm - 1 week

Frozen food manufacturer and wholesale retailer company Ocean Fresh Bhd on Monday said investors had snapped up its RM14.01 million initial public offering (IPO) shares ahead of its listing on the ACE Market.
TheEdge24 Jun, 2024 16:36pm - 1 week

KUALA LUMPUR: ACE Market-bound frozen seafood company, Ocean Fresh Bhd’s initial public offering (IPO) has been oversubscribed by 76.22 times.
TheStar24 Jun, 2024 15:32pm - 1 week

海洋冷冻食品公司(图片取自海洋冷冻食品公司)(吉隆坡24日讯)即将在7月4日上市创业板的海洋冷冻食品公司(Ocean Fresh Bhd),首次公开募股(IPO)获得76.22倍超额认购。根据文告,该公司向大马公众公开发售的1051万新股,共获得公众提交1万6177份申请,认购数量达8亿1154万9...
Nanyang24 Jun, 2024 14:30pm - 1 week

Analysts are upbeat on the future prospects of ACE Market-bound Ocean Fresh Bhd, amid some downside risks.
TheStar20 Jun, 2024 00:00am - 1 week

Ocean Fresh Bhd (OFB), a frozen seafood company en route to the ACE Market at an initial public offering (IPO) price of 28 sen, has been valued at between 35 sen and 54 sen by analysts.
TheEdge19 Jun, 2024 08:33am - 1 week

Frozen seafood processor and trader Ocean Fresh Bhd aims to raise RM14.01mil through its initial public offering (IPO) as the group makes its way towards listing on the ACE Market of Bursa Malaysia.
TheStar13 Jun, 2024 00:00am - 2 weeks

(吉隆坡12日讯)海洋冷冻食品(Ocean Fresh Bhd)推介招股书,拟发5005万新股,以每股发售价28仙,筹资1401万令吉,料7月4日挂牌马股创业板。据招股书,本轮首次公开募股(IPO)是为筹募营运资本、扩充旗下业务,如扩建该公司现营冷藏设施。其中,土著、非土著投资者,分别可申购525万...
Nanyang12 Jun, 2024 20:27pm - 2 weeks

(吉隆坡12日讯)配合首次公开售股(IPO),海鲜加工冷冻食品公司--海洋冷冻食品公司(Ocean Fresh Berh...
Orientaldaily12 Jun, 2024 19:00pm - 2 weeks

Ocean Fresh Bhd, a frozen seafood company en route to the ACE Market, is seeking to more than double its storage capacity in order to capitalise on the seasonality of seafood products.
TheEdge12 Jun, 2024 17:25pm - 2 weeks

KUALA LUMPUR: The per capita seafood consumption here amounted to 52.7kg in 2021, putting Malaysia as one of the top seafood consumers in Asia Pacific, said Ocean Fresh Bhd executive director Teo Chee Han. Teo expects the demand for seafood in ...
NST12 Jun, 2024 16:34pm - 2 weeks

张致衔(右三)与公司高层及其他代表,主持招股书推介仪式。左起为罗海查、黄喜荣及达马多。右起为叶进发及塔力。 (吉隆坡12日讯)定于7月4日在马股创业板上市的冷冻海鲜加工及贸易公司-海洋冷冻食品有限公司(Ocean Fresh Berhad)公开发售5005万股新股,每股28仙,筹资1401万令吉作为营运资本和扩充业务。在5005万股新股中,525万5000股让土著投资者申请;525万5000股供非土著投资者申请;171万股分配给符合资格的集团董事、雇员及有功人士;余下3783万股...
Sinchew12 Jun, 2024 16:33pm - 2 weeks

KUALA LUMPUR: Ocean Fresh Bhd menyasarkan untuk mengumpul RM14.01 juta melalui tawaran awam permulaan (IPO) menjelang penyenaraiannya di Pasaran ACE Bursa Malaysia pada 4 Julai 2024.Ocean Fresh terbabit terutamanya dalam pemprosesan dan perdagangan produk makanan laut sejuk beku dan penyediaan perkhidmatan ...
BeritaHarian12 Jun, 2024 15:48pm - 2 weeks

(吉隆坡12日讯)海洋冷冻食品公司(Ocean Fresh Bhd)计划在大马交易所创业板上市,即日起接受投资者认购股票,冀望筹集至多1401万令吉。
TheEdge12 Jun, 2024 13:55pm - 2 weeks

KUALA LUMPUR: Ocean Fresh Bhd aims to raise RM14.01 million through its initial public offering (IPO) ahead of its listing on the ACE Market of Bursa Malaysia on July 4, 2024.Ocean Fresh is principally involved in the processing and trading of ...
TheStar12 Jun, 2024 13:28pm - 2 weeks

KUALA LUMPUR (June 12): Frozen seafood processor Ocean Fresh Bhd began taking orders for its initial public offering (IPO) exercise that aims to raise up to RM14.01 million ahead of its listing on the ACE Market of Bursa Malaysia.
TheEdge12 Jun, 2024 12:01pm - 2 weeks