Ace Market : Digital Services


-0.010 (-2.8%)
High 0.360
Low 0.345
Open 0.360
Volume 5,762,600
Volume (B/S) 223,700 / 494,600
Price Bid/Ask 0.345 / 0.350
52w 0.345 - 0.635
ROE 22.00
P/E 22.45
EPS 1.54
DY 0.00%
NTA 0.0700
P/B 4.93
RPS 1.75
PSR 19.68
Market Cap 135.2M
Shares (mil) 392.00
TopQ RTopQ
3Y 54% TTM -199.5%
5Y 23.2% TTM -85.2%
RSI(14) Neutral 45.1
Stochastic(14) Oversold 0.0
Average Volume (3M) 21,493,500
Relative Volume 0.3
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EPS DPS NTA Revenue P/L Quarter Q Date Financial Year Announced ROE QoQ% YoY% Report
31 Aug, 2024
0.5100 0.000 0.0700 6.9m 1.5m 3 2024-05-31 31 Aug, 2024 2024-08-26 7.3% 0% 0% View

Financial Year Revenue ('000) Net ('000) EPS DP% Net % Report
31 Aug, 2024 6,871 1,506 0.5100 -

Announced Financial Year Subject EX Date Payment Date Amount Indicator
No dividends

Announced EX Date Subject Ratio Offer
No records

Name Price Change Volume Gearing Premium Premium % Maturity
No warrants found.

Announced Date Change Type Shares Name
12 Sep 2024 12 Sep 2024 Acquired 60,000 MR CHAN WAI HOONG
12 Sep 2024 12 Sep 2024 Acquired 61,000 MISS LEE SIEW MEE
12 Sep 2024 12 Sep 2024 Acquired 339,000 MISS LEE SIEW MEE
11 Sep 2024 11 Sep 2024 Acquired 60,000 MR CHAN WAI HOONG
10 Sep 2024 02 Sep 2024 Disposed 400,000 MISS LEE SIEW MEE
28 Aug 2024 28 Aug 2024 Others 39,200,000 MR TEE CHEE CHIANG
28 Aug 2024 28 Aug 2024 Others 13,160,000 MR CHAN WAI HOONG

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Khaled Syazeriq
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Semua support sudah pecah. Volume hampir kering. Belum ada sign nak naik
Mohd Farid
oracle investment .. kaunter ini mgkin related..masuk watchlist
Like · 1 day · translate
Atoi khai
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sudah bawah 0.350...