JQ's comment on SMTRACK. All Comments

28 Like · Reply
Jpj now say Wan do car in air with ehang finally brings us fly together
Bern chai Ang
Tp10 before cny hold tight
1 Like · 5 months · translate
Yong Kua
Matter of time to go higher, Johor Sultan related theme. Watch out for 0.055.
1 Like · 5 months · translate
Already queue 0.05 hope can get top up time
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Damn mcm x dpt topup takpe byk lagi Johor stock hehe
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Lubir Borga
Apa nama johor stock tu
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Tgok top 10 volume byk Johor stock
1 Like · 5 months · translate
Lubir Borga
Ok okok okon
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Aus Dahari
next week 0.50...serius
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Mohamad Azha
hahhaha berapa kali next week da. smpai bertukar tahun dh pn.hahaa
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RM 3... xD....
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Ppp Kkk
TP100 year end
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William Gui
okok next week rm150 la
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Ppp Kkk
today prepare up to 0.06
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Mohamad Azha
hurmmm blok kt 0.055 hahahha
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Ppp Kkk
road block berapa sapu berapa
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Mohamad Azha
game sma mcm sblm ni la. volume byk touch 0.060 tp close 0.055. lpas 2 turun balik.hahahha kalu close 0.060 keatas blh senyum la.hahha
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Ppp Kkk
just now i see a big leg sapu 200000 lot directly. i think next week something happen.
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Cheng Shen Kue
yes,will drop back 0.045 again
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RM 3 is on the road!
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Bern chai Ang
Hold tight Obama coming soon tp10
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Scib 10 sens to rm 1 smtrack 5 sens to rm 5
1 Like · 5 months · translate
William Gui
what Obama? john f Kennedy gonna limit this counter up to rm135
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smtrack listed at ipo price 1.70 13 years ago.
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Hope is coming dragon is time to awake
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Sure this year.
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Next la kawan comrades fighters
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Next month dragon awaken suda patience
1 Like · 5 months · translate
Lubir Borga
Ahaha haha haha
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Wow did I see wrong suddenly gone 24 mil wall
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Lubir Borga
Ahshaggaahaahah you so funny man
1 Like · 5 months · translate
Operator main2 don't know when he will switch all into one hand and push
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Dragon Ball Z
someone hold at 50-55
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got three hand playing xD
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Matter of time realeseee the dragon !!jackie Chan
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Mohamad Azha
habis la. dragon is dead.hahah
Like · 5 months · translate
Finally ada game start
Like · 4 months · translate
almost there. going to fly anytime
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Dragon Ball Z
left to right at 5sen. just wait patiently la. maybe got game but we dont know when. or maybe got huge news
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5.5- 6 again soon lol
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Mahmod musa
On yr mark.....
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William Gui
flying car when??
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Nice new projects more mou otw
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Mohamad Azha
lepas diskaun, diskaun lg. last2 sangkut ja la.hahah
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Brewing slowly but surely
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Cheng Shen Kue
scammer company again
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Cheng Shen Kue
yaya , scammer company news again
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Mohamad Azha
jatuh tak, naik pun tak. berlumut la tunggu.hahah
Like · 3 months · translate
Consistent volumes break 0.06 baru ada game
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Cheng Shen Kue
scammer will start game take your money
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Mohamad Azha
hahhaha kena dh...
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yv wong
Hahaha,betul kasih dia 1 lot kasihan
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Dragon Ball Z
terlepas 0.045 sen. kalau dapt ok gak tu. kalau xnaik jual je 1 bid untung
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yv wong
Hahaha, nanti tiada peluang 0.05 baru tahu.
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Cheng Shen Kue
i think today will drop to 0.040 again
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yv wong
I think ……
Tomorrow 0.06 ^_^ hahaha
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Cheng Shen Kue
see you next year ~ will drop to 0.040
1 Like · 3 months · translate
Time is coming .... tiktoktiktok
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Cheng Shen Kue
time is coming drop back 0.040,scammer company
1 Like · 2 months · translate
Cheng Shen Kue
bad news again,will drop to 0.025
1 Like · 2 months · translate
Sleep dragon dont shockk when it awakens
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Cheng Shen Kue
scammer company like the garbage ,will in PN 17
1 Like · 1 month · translate
fuiyo pn17... xD
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Jason Felíx de Patron
Cheng still here ah. semangat feller
1 Like · 1 month · translate
lim hong
cheng buy too many low price。
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Cheng Shen Kue
scammer company again
1 Like · 1 month · translate
yes yes scam to RM 3.00 hahahaha
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Cheng Shen Kue
bad new again ~
now this scammer company will drop to 0.030
1 Like · 1 month · translate
lim hong
haha you this scammer everyday bad news
3sen 2sen 1sen in 1year
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Yes action please up up UP
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Cheng Shen Kue
scammer company bad news again
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Ciput Cedut
power laa geng2 hc
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Cheng Shen Kue
scammer again take your money
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Ciput Cedut
limitup dah topglove yeehaaa
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I miss it hahah but wont chase
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Cheng Shen Kue
now scammer company will limit down
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Jason Felíx de Patron
cheng cheng cheng still posting here ah
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lim hong
cheng cheng cheng go polis station if got cheap
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Lets take taxi up and up
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Cheng Shen Kue
let drop and down ,and game over 0.005
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Jason Felíx de Patron
cheng say drop so many times wor
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Action coming ? Power pls
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Cheng Shen Kue
will drop again ?
just run
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listen to cheng run to heaven... xD
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Mohamad Azha
habis dh volume?hahahha ad yg kena ka?
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ini hari cuti
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lim hong
kasih naik sikit ,cheng cakap jatuh 。
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Cheng Shen Kue
scammer company again~
now will in pn17
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Show going start anytime ...
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QR compare previous quarter got improvement.
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Its trash oh well continue sleep first
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wait new project only. maybe drone food delivery xD
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Jason Felíx de Patron
cheng cheng cheng don't con here la
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koo samuel
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Cheng Shen Kue
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Wa really very unexpected ... show begin , lets ready action
Like · 3 weeks · translate
Should be a fishing company hehe then can have big fish
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Cheng Shen Kue
scammer again ?
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lim hong
sell all wait cheng 3sen
Like · 1 week · translate