Reskilling urged to shore up jobs as AI sweeps in

TheStar Mon, Oct 01, 2018 07:46am - 5 years View Original

INTERVENTION by the government is needed as the labour market heads toward major job losses due to recent and future waves of technological innovation, a recent seminar has heard.

Deep and disruptive impacts are coming to the employment market as new technologies perform human tasks, and government will need to implement measures to prepare younger generations to cope with what is rapidly approaching, experts said.

“Artificial intelligence (AI) is already making headway in performing tasks once considered out of their reach and solely in the realm of robots in science fiction. Thus, there’s a need for governments to reinvent the labour market to ensure future jobs,” said Nuthasid Rukkiatwong, a researcher from Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI).

He was speaking at a recent seminar titled “Thailand Moves Forward with AI Technology” at the National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre’s (Nectec) annual conference and exhibition.


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