China economy shows solid momentum but property curbs bite

TheStar Fri, Oct 20, 2017 07:48am - 6 years View Original

Beijing’s push to consolidate and restructure its industrial sector have paid dividends as factory output beat expectations, while strong fiscal spending and sustained public investment helped boost domestic demand.

Beijing’s push to consolidate and restructure its industrial sector have paid dividends as factory output beat expectations, while strong fiscal spending and sustained public investment helped boost domestic demand.

BEIJING: China’s economic growth looked set to accelerate for the first time in seven years this year, after hardly skipping a beat in the third quarter, but efforts to cut risks in property and debt are beginning to weigh on parts of the world’s second-largest economy.

Beijing’s push to consolidate and restructure its industrial sector have paid dividends as factory output beat expectations, while strong fiscal spending and sustained public investment helped boost domestic demand.

But concerns remain that much of the growth is debt-driven, with central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan yesterday warning about household and corporate leverage.


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